2 room apartment on Lilinblum street
What's the Story
I had advertised a flat for sale in Tel Aviv near the beach. Jerome called the office to hear more details. The specific apartment did not meet his particular needs, but we continued to talk. Soon after our conversation, I found a lovely two-room flat on Lillinblum St. that he purchased. Jerome did not speak Hebrew well and had to return to France, so he wanted to be represented by an agent who would deal with the purchase for him. We came to an agreement and I continued to update him after he returned to France.
Real Estate Tip
There are property owners who are unwilling to work with agents. This is of course legitimate, but the question remains: Does blocking this option help in selling your apartment? In my experience, the answer is usually No. The owner of the flat on Lillinblum, for example, used an agency and thus enlarged the exposure of his flat and as a result maximized it sale value!
Jerome C
“Jerome Cayatte,
82 Avenue De Wagram
75017, Paris
je viens par cette lettre témoigner de mon expérience avec Mr Ran Binya en tant qu’agent immobilier à tel aviv en novembre 2014
J’ai connu Mr Binya par l’intermédiaire d’une annonce placardée sur la devanture d’un appartement
il a guidé mon choix vers un autre bien plus adapté à mon budget et qui me convenait ,organisé une visite dès le lendemain et a négocié le prix pour moi de manière intéressante,
Je pense qu’en tant qu’israélien il a accès à des biens spécifiques
je recommande donc de contacter Monsieur Binya pour avancer dans la recherche et conclure sdv pour l’achat d’un bien en Israël et à Tel Aviv
Jerome Cayatte”